Trying to break out of laziness :p


sheer laziness  on my part for not posting the soo many exciting stuff happening in our family. 
What with self going on path of  self discovery and still discovering what I actually need in life. Surrounded by so many questions , so many paths to choose from can be tiring .  There is a kind of drag that Iam not able to pinpoint.  Always looking forward to week ends , holidays and sleep . Nothing seems interesting in life except for the Sanja conversations :P.  Am I totally lost , I don't know.

So there have been ideas and thoughts for posting in the blog, I didn't feel like putting them down. Laziness.  Iam trying very hard to break the shackles , move forward . 
At work front as well - procrastination is killing me .  Again trying free myself.

Spending all my time reading blogs, sleeping, reading books , sleeping, cooking as if iam a robot , sleeping, - I am hating this .   I seem to be making no headway in terms of career( I doubt if I have one :) ) . Every day morning I look forward for the night to come.   Hopeless case .  The only time I see myself lively is when Iam with sanja , and Iam going to sleep .. 
It has been almost 3 months since Iam living this kind of life..  Ppl if you have any suggestion do help me out .

Is this just a phase? So every1 feel this at least some time in their life? How do I come out?

Today step- start posting in the dormant blog :P



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