6 years of being with S

Same day 6 years back, we got married. The toy car loving book reading game creating S married the cartoon loving , book reading just a year work experienced me.  And what a ride it has been for  6 years.  Adding to the kid behaving adults came along Sanja very early on. It looks more like a family of kids with a mom kid, dad kid and the actual kid ..lol. Anyone walking into our home can either witness a kid fight between S and Sanja  / sanja and me.  If it hadnt been for our parents , we don't know who would have looked after us kids :P.  And S being the first grand child for his paati doesn't help either, he is still the baby of the family and being his wife makes me a baby as well :). When S amma calls  some one kutti ma - Sanja gets confused - whether she is calling her, her mom or her aunt. 

While S is not busy fighting with Sanja , and his nephews over the toy cars , he is the person balancing our life. epitome of patience against the short fuse me.  With so much work tension happening at his work front I have never seen him lose his cool ever at home. While at the other end of spectrum is me, who brings the home down even if a  bug is filed against my feature at work.  While S is not bothered about celebration , I want each celebration to be a surprise. While S lives in present , I worry  plan for our future . While S is lover of metal rock bands I prefer the melody and soft music.  S loves sweets, potatoes  , hates okra , I love savouries, pickles ,okra and hate potatoes. The only thing common between us is our love for reading mysteries , ancient history :P. 

The sound board for all my angst, pms'ing, hurting talks , he has never spoken back in the same way. Oh we do have our fights  , how else would this life be interesting. I make it a point to have war of words , S would never start them you see.

I seriously don't know how Sanja is going to grow up watching us behaving like kids. But then these are things memories are made of. When we have finally grown up  we want to look back at these years.

6 years have gone by way too fast for us. What will no courting time between engagement and marriage. I and S married as strangers but then I wouldn't have found a better partner in life. 
God knows what the future holds for us  ... but then let me cherish the present. :)

Happy anniversary -S .


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