What have we been upto

Things are looking up in Sanja household -- here is what we have been doing for the past few weeks / months
  •  Clay modelling - While Amma and Sanja friends sit and patiently make clay stars , butterflies and tree - Sanja is busy crushing them and making all of them into balls.
  •  Walling painting-  To make the Sanja doodles les visible on the wall, the bigge kids (S and myself) set about doing Warli paintings on the said wall. The parents of the bigger kids have sworn that they will never leave the house in the hands of these kids for a long time.( They have been to US for 6 months),
  •  Fabric painting; Got hold of one of Sanja's frock and painted a girafee on it. Planning on doing more of this .
  •  House cleaning - Loads of trash and dust thrown away.
  •  Got ourselves a new auto washing machine.
  •  A convention oven-  The big gal is dreaming about making loads and loads of cookies , cakes.
  •  Myself finding more time to play with Sanja since all work gets done pretty fast with 2 ppl around.


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