Sanja Tales - Part1

The compilation of stories that are fabricated by Sanja's mom for her - SANJA TALES.

The first one - The Birth story of Sanja and Kung Fu Panda.
Here we go,
There once live a panda who was fond of Kung FU. His heroes were the famous five - the monkey, prying mattis, crane, snake and the tigress. They were students of The Red Panda an expert in kung fu. THe Red Panda always listens to Thatha Toto.
One day Thatha toto said he is going to choose the Dragon Warrior. So the red panda asked its students to practice. The dD-Day arrived and all the animals gathered at the place where Dragon Warrior was going to be chosen. Our said panda also climbed uup with lot of huff-puff. But the  doors closed and it used the dum dam doomi(crackers) to reach inside.
  Thatha Toto pointed at our panda and said - "You are the Dragon Warrior". But Panda and Red Panda said but Dont know Kung Fu. Thatha toto said "Adhalam theriadhu( i dont care) but you are the One".
  So the Red Panda taught Kung fu to our Panda and it became the Kung FU Panda doing Dhisoom dhissom.
 Now Sanja amma was watching this in the DVD . Sanju heard the Dhisum dhissom and wanted to learn the same. She started kicking inside amma saying she too wanted  to learn. So Amma wnt to Doctor Aunty and said " Kutti Sanja wants to come out and learn Kung Fu". Doctor Aunty said Ok and there she was - Sanja crying Ooooo OOOOOOOOO and then we gave her food. She gave a big smile hugged Amma and slept peacefully.

PS: The story is actually based on real life but told in a way to make it interesting for Sanja. Well it is true that Amma got to see the rest of the movie only after 2 months from the said day.


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