The tigress and her almost mid-night prowl

What do you expect of a kid who has been playing for almost four hours that involved an hour of playing outside ? She would be exhausted and thankful that her Amma is putting her to sleep early so she could rest well and raise and shine next day. Day dreaming I say. Expect the unexpected. All the play left Sanja longing for more.      Sanja was in no mood to sleep yesterday. First she wanted the A/c to be switched on. Then she kept getting off her bed and running away to her grandparents room. After this activity, with all her strength she dragged her carton full of toys to the hall and started putting everything out.
Dora, papa , dora papa sit here . She made them sit against the wall and proceeded to throw out all her toys. Then she ran again to her grandparents room, woke her up and made her also play alongwith us. The instant she ran away from her toys, I gathered them all and put them up in our room. She once again goes back and repeats the procedure crying out VeeeenaaaaMaaaaaaa( meaning she has no intention to sleep but play). She got a glass a milk to drink and we thought that would do the trick. Nope. She was even more brisk. At last after lots of story telling, singing and telling her Donald Duck will take her place in bed we managed to put her to sleep at the stroke of midnight. There she is sleeping peacefully all the morning as if nothing happened yesterday.


  1. this is truly gud and funny. reading these my time will pass rather anything but fantastic. I think collect all these and devise that into a book it wud really a gud one.


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