5 year old

Yes, the little baby has blossomed into a little girl.
It has been 5 years of learning and fun for me and your dad. We were very young (at least your mom  was ) when you came into this world.  I hadnt yet developed the patience one ought to have to raise a child. But then these 5 years I have come to learn things are learnt as and when situation arise. You are a darling of a child. No major tanturms, accepting the life as it comes. This 5 years I have learnt many things from you than you form me.

There are many firsts that you have done from a 4 year old to 5 year

1. Learning to cycle . You wanted a cycle and we got you one for this birthday. it is your prized possession. Polishing off the dust and riding the shining cycle. You wont take it on the roads if they are slushy- they will get dirty is what you say. I say it is  your laziness at your face but secretly I appreciate the care you take of your cycle.

2. Helping out in the kitchen. You love water and you love washing the dishes. (I dont how you came to like it though). But yes me and your K paati love the time we spend cleaning the dishes with you. It is the all gals time in kitchen ;). Oh but you dont have to cry for 15 minutes if you forgot to come and help us out. It is okay , I know you like doing it, but you are too young to start helping us out. And it took us another 15 minutes to console you.  The only fear (he he he) I have is , you will finish of your helping tendency now itself and when I actually expect you to help me , you may cry to excused from chores. Hmmm ,

3. Love for drawing and writing - Oh you draw the wonderful kozhi muttis right from 2 years . pen and paper are more than enough to give you company . We have put up a sort of collage in our room with all your paintings. Proud of you my dear.

4. Love for stories - You know the ramayana, mahabharata, the story of garuda , etc etc. But the most fun you have is providing you father the characters you need in a story, the base plot for it and listening to your father spinning tales out of them.  Imagine making chota bheem and angry birds friends. Only you and your father can come up with these stuffs.

5. Expressing yourself with your words.

6. Your first potrait picture done

And here are the things that you continue to love (touchwood).
1. Travel
2. Sumithra aunty( the main reason you love your school)
3. Music
4. Dance

and as the birthdays go, this time again you cut 2 cakes- one on your english birthday and other on start birthday.

And for records sake ;) it was a princess themed party - with  return gifts of barbie for gals, ben10 car tracks for the boys.

And you have a cycle , a barbie school bag you wanted so much as your gifts.

The portrait (sorry for the wrong angle of the photo)

Wishing you happiness and good health .


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