The mandatory school visit

Happened on feb 2nd .
So S, Sanja and myself  took our Duro for the ride till her school that is almost 12km from home taking a highway and beatuiful scenary of the air force training cetree on one side and small lake on the other side.

As usual ,anythingto do with school, starts by visiting the awesome temple they have inhouse. Then we were shuttled to the play area where Sanja played played and played. She is addicted to the slides there . She introduced us to couple of her friends there.  Then we took a walk to the swimming pool area where Sanja showed us the safety tubes that they use. They also have some rubber made small cutting / shapes that are they play with to make patterns in water.

Then we went to the environment (class room) building. Sanja studies is sec E2 , one ofteachers asked usto go to E24, Sanja was hesistant to go anywhere but her class her aunty. They then told she has to show what all she jhas learnt in in that specified classroom and then meet her aunty. So a dejeted child and her parents trooped to said class room and she took her time to settle down. She had eyes only for me and doing all sorts of gimmick like asking for water every 2 min, asking for hankie to wipe the not to be seen cold mucus from nose.. When one of  her batch mate dropped in, she relaxed and started off showing her learnings .

Here they are
1. States of India
2. Words , phonetics and playing match the following.
3. Numbers from 1  to 10 and how you count the bead strings and place aagainst each number.
4. Carrot cutting. (To their embrassement , the knife was too blunt, and the kid had little strength  for the strong and sturdy carrot, so they changed the knife and Sanja cut through the slice and gaveeach of us a piece of carrot to eat )

and then she asked - Amma when can I go to aunty. When I said as soon as you finish it up here , she was all the more eager to do things quickly.
We then met her aunty and akka  and they were all praises for her. Her aunty knows she is very sensitive and tries her best to avoid Sanja getting hurt. we hope she has one more year with her favorite aunty before she will have to leave behing the Junior montessori.

Then we had our lunch and came back to say goodbye to her aunty. And we met the famed gang members of Sanja whom she keeps talking about - Mr RK and Mr B. It was good we got to see so many of her classmates.

A fun day indeed.


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