The ending and the beginning

The ending of 2011 - The year it was - Okay with many ups and downs .
Sanja started school. She is learning new stuffs good and some not so good stuff. But the very good stuff overweigh the not-so good stuff.
I am back to studying.
S business slowly picking up .
Were able to take vacation twice - to Munnar and Goa.
Part payment of home loans.
Experimenting with dishes at home. Gaining confidence that I can whip up anything. I  can actually make delicious food.

Work -life balance gone for a toss since now I have to accomodate studies in it.
Financial constraints since S busines is yet to make turnovers.
Personally, had a short fuse on temper.
Need to grow up and leave behind some childish-ness in me.
Sanja is still adjusting to school life- the year saw continuous sickness  average of  a fever per month.

The beginning
Looking forward to
1. Seeing some cash inflow and having more savings.
2. Do some vacations.
3. Good health for all of us.
4. Control on my temper. I have started taking some efforts towards this, hope to continue them.
5. Complete my MS -Exams successfully this year end.


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