The school visit

So the whole family had a picnic on saturday( Sep 10th) at Sanja montessori school. (Iam almost 2 months late in posting this --ooops)
First we visited the temple inside the campus. Then the school van took us to the various places inside the campus.

The swimming pools for the big kids and the tiny tots are well maintained .it is good to see that extreme care is taken when they are taught to swim.
Then to the kids-friendly park. The swings, sliders , see-saw and whole works .There is a gym which is child proofed. This has small houses, sliders, hoops and that kinda stuffs. This the place Sanja likes it the most. Shaded from the sun and no sweating ,tiring you see.
Last we were dropped off at her class.We chatted up with her Sumitra aunty and other akkas. She showed us what all she does in the class. She picks up her work (game) , plays it and then places them back at their place.
Her aunt comments- Sanja has almost learnt whatever she has to learn for the year. She and another girl have gone overboard by learning songs of the next level(JM2) kids.
She is a good eater ( yeah right, thats why she troubles a lot at home, balancing out ).

The work Sanja showed us
1. Makes the beads garland,
2. Arranging the cubes as per their size
3. The names of the different continents, the land and the water in a globe.
4. The different modes of transport
5. Different fruits, colours.

Then we were given a delicious lunch at school.

And the best part, she is not taught any of these. She learns by observing :)


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