A month gone by

since you started school.- Sanja.
So I see that we have settled down pretty well to the routine. Morning - appa and amma walk with you to the bus stop, bid goodbyes . You go all chirpy and happy looking forward for another day of fun and play. Come back home with grandparents, eat and sleep.
- You are trying out different kinds of food at school.
-Learnt to eat a bit by yourself, and I must say you are a really slow eater - in tamil we say paraku pathundu sappidhara .
-Though your only activity is playing,  you have picked up quite a few tamil rhymes from your seniors at class .
- You say few shlokas .
-Every day you smile at ll the kids who get into your bus, but you dont talk to them. It your way of greeting them Good Morning.
-You have o, means have to carry something with you from home to bus stop, then you handover them as soon as u see the bus.
-The days we reach the stop early, you go about running in the street to see your yellow house and sometimes to the temple.

Proud of you kid!!
The  rhymes
- chinna chinna motor , nai kutty nai kutti nai kutty nai, mambalam a mambalam malgova mambalam, valayal oh valayal.
The shlokas -
-gnana nanda mayam devam (Hiyagreeva )
-guru brahma guru vishu
-moshika vagana mohana hastha.
-annapoorani sada poorani.


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