We host Tea parties !!

Hostess: Sanja
Guests: Mickey,Minnie, Pink Dora, Black Dora, Goofy, amma, appa thatha (if present).
chef - your's truly.

Yes, we are hosting tea parties the English way :P.
Sanja: come all of you. lets play teparty.
Amma make Mickey and Minnie sit. Bad Minnie she is always falling down. Hey Dora take your place on the pillow.
Amma make Tea for all of us.
Amma asks: Why me, you are hosting the party, you make it.
Sanja- No ma, you make. Make sure you put Mollaga podi( idli chilli powder) and sugar in the tea.
(Amma thinks - where did she learn  that from..)
So the Tea is served.
Sanja - Amma make us some cake.
Amma - Here it is . Whose birthday is it.
Sanja- Amma , it is your bithday.( Maska you see, she doesnt want to even cut the cake )
All of us sing Happy Budday. and they all finish of the cake.
Amma- Sanja , can you please clean up the dishes.
Sanja- No ma, that is also your work
And off she goes to sleep .
I tell you, she is aiming for the "no responsibility, no work" heavy paycheck when she grows up.
Never moves a muscle.
Sanja extends her invites to all of you :).we play tea party anytime :)


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