Where is the Bikki Sanju ?

Date: 10 Nov 2009
Location: Home

As usual I was cooking and handling other housework when Sanju came to the dining room pointed at the Box that contained bikki. Srini's aunt who was visiting us gave one to her. Fast forward to evening 8:00PM. We enter the home and horros of horrors the home has been takeover by ants. The whole sofa is teeming of insect life. And the reason - Sanju. She hid her half eaten bikki under the clothes that had be neatly folded. Oh gal what a hidding place . Leave alone dusting the sofa and sweeping the whole hall, I was laughing all the time.My little booboo is making me work a lot more than I asked for. Well actually Sri did the dusting, I just did the brooming. Booboo please take into consideration that your mom already has her extra large plate full of work. Kindly inform me before you give additional work . But I thoroughly enjoyed this act though I didnt like getting bitten by the ants.

Date 11 Nov 2009

Morning: Sanju once again asks for a bikki. Having had one bad experience of allowing her have the biscuit alone todayI am following her around. Still she finds a way to lose her bikki. Now I am petrified, I dont want a repeat of yesterday. So I ask her Sanju where is the bikki (bikki enga Sanju).She takes me along with her and shows it right there on top of sofa where she had placed it yesterday. Hmmm gal Thank Goodness you remembered.
PS:- Sanju has many hiding spots in our home and in my parents place. We have so far unveiled 3 places :- 1. Our home sofa, prepferable in between all her toys / clothes.
2. The empty space behind the wooden showcase.
3. The gap between the rest and sit area in the sofa at my parent's place.


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