2013 is here
And no new year posts , no travel updates means I was in rather disturbing phase of life if one would call it . Updates are many from home side, work side and all sides ;) . It is almost a month into the new year , and the mayans actually made so many of us fools thinking we wont be there to see this day. However that was good timepass finding out what theories would one associate with the so called - END of the world. Am at a better phase of life now than the previous few months. Growing up in years within a span of months. But that doesnt me I have become a matured lady... far from it, iam still the same getting excited in a moment, getting dpressed, gloomy the next instant. Life is having a hard time forcing me to grow up :) . The princess of our family has grown indeed to a beautiful young girl ( yeah girl, she is no longer a toddler). Has her own views, preferences and the works ;) Mr S is having a very busy time managing 2 kids as he puts it ( the y...