The Good News Reporter - by Suchitra Krishnamoorthi

Suchitra Krishnamoorthi- everyone would have heard of her. Famous for her 'Dole Dole" song and as being wife of director Shekar Kapur. But now-a -days she is popular for her paintings, acting and guess what her books. I got the time to read 2 books from the series called "Swapnalok Society". It revolves around the life of small girl born in London but growing up in the most happening society of Mumbai. The first one - Summer of Cool It deals with life of the protagonist friend's life. How she goes in search of her father who abandoned them for money thinking all the time her mother was the reason for the breakup. The initial barriers the new girl in a society has to break to make new friends. It introduces us to the prominent characters in the society and background on girl's life. The second one - The Good news reporter The girl firmly believes in what her mother had told her " If you hear good things you will also do good things". She ...